Graves County ASAP Logo

About Graves County ASAP

Executive Board

Riley Beth Willett- ASAP Board Chair 

Lauren Carr- ASAP Board Vice Chair 

Chief Nathan Kent- ASAP Board Secretary 


Tyler Goodman- ASAP Board Treasurer 

KY-ASAP was created in 2000 by the General Assembly to promote the reduction of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in Kentucky by working with communities to help them identify existing needs and resources.

There are currently 75 local ASAP boards that cover 113 of 120 counties in the Commonwealth. Sixteen of these boards are regional and consist of two or more counties that have joined efforts to address substance abuse issues affecting their area. The local boards consist of stakeholders in each county or multi-county jurisdiction. ASAP has become a vital part of substance abuse prevention and treatment efforts in many of Kentucky’s communities.

The Graves County ASAP Board is comprised of local citizens who want to make a difference in their community. The abuse of drugs—both prescription and illegal; the abuse of alcohol; the use of tobacco and other substances are problems in all communities. However, we believe that the Graves County ASAP Board can bring about a positive change in our community. We welcome any community member to local ASAP meetings, which are held the Quarterly at the Graves County Extension Office.  To be added to the mailing list, email

The Graves County ASAP Board is able to help fund projects and programs that help our community fight the issues of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. The Board has a strategic plan that lists the problems, goals and objectives identified by the Local Board. In order to be funded, a project or program must meet certain state mandated criteria and requirements and also address a problem, objective, and goal identified in the Graves County ASAP Board Strategic Plan.

416 Central Avenue
Mayfield KY 42066
270-247-3553 x248


Executive Director:
Courtney Jeffries

Financial and Development Coordinator:
Alexis McClure

Administration: Joesph Williams